Monday, June 17, 2013

Full-Time MBA Scholarship at Durham University in UK, 2013

Durham University LogoDurham University is offering scholarships for the applicants to pursue full-time MBA programme (to begin study in September 2013)It covers the programme fees. Successful applicants will be notified by 1st July 2013. Applicants must have completed the programme application process in full, and hold a programme unconditional offer, by the deadline of 5th June 2013.

Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided in the field of Business Administration.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master’s degree level at Durham University.
Scholarship Provider: Durham University, UK
Scholarship can be taken at: UK

To be considered for the Durham Full-Time MBA Scholarship at Durham University Business School you must:

- Ensure that your signed and completed scholarship application reaches the School by the deadline of

5 June 2013 (Note: receipt of applications will not be acknowledged)

- Complete the appropriate programme application process in full and be in receipt of an unconditional offer before the Scholarship deadline. Please note the admissions process can take up to 4 weeks and includes an interview, therefore applying early is advised

- Be available to take up your programme place in September 2013

- Become an active ambassador for DUBS and the MBA programme, being available to cooperate in any public relations activities which the School may organise for the scholarship winners, including initiatives such as online diaries, testimonials etc

- Be funding your MBA studies yourself

- Be neither a current or former employee of Durham University

- The Scholarship covers Full-Time MBA Programme fees only; all other expenses, such as travel and accommodation, shall remain the responsibility of the successful applicant

- Scholarship fees cover the standard completion timescale of one year

- The Scholarship is not transferable and not deferrable. It is valid only for use by the competition winner in the academic year for which the Scholarship has been awarded

- No cash alternative will be offered if a place on the programme is not taken up, this also applies to uncompleted modules

- Any tuition fee deposit already paid will be refunded in full to the Scholarship winner

-This scholarship award will replace any existing DUBS scholarship offer

Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of UK can apply for these scholarships.

Scholarship Description: University is delighted to invite applications for the Durham Full-Time MBA Scholarship. The scholarship is open to applicants to the full-time MBA programme (to begin study in September 2013) and covers programme fees.

Number of award(s): Not Known

Duration of award(s): Not Known

What does it cover? Scholarships cover the programme fees.

Selection criteria: The scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who, in the opinion of the panel, is thought best able to contribute to and benefit from completing the Durham MBA. The following criteria will be taken into consideration:

- Previous professional and/or academic achievements

- The submitted 500 word essay (a strict 500 word limit will be applied)

- Leadership potential (as demonstrated on your CV/Resume, your programme application from and scholarship essay) – only information contained in your CV/Resume, programme application form and essay will be used by the judging panel when making their decision

Notification: The successful applicant will be notified by 1st July 2013.

How to Apply: The mode of applying is by electronically. Download the application form.

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 5th June 2013.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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