Monday, June 17, 2013

Call for Applications: PhD Fellowship at Lodz University of Technology in Poland

Lodz University of Technology

Applications are invited for one PhD fellowship offered at Division of Dynamics in Lodz University of Technology, Poland. This fellowship is available for a project entitled “Synchronization of Mechanical Systems Coupled through Elastic Structure”. To be eligible for this fellowship , applicants must have MSc in Mechanics / Mechanical Engineering / Physics / Mathematics / Electronics and Knowledge of one programming language: C/C++/Turbo Pascal/Delphi. This fellowship provides 3000 PLN as a stipend up to 10 months. Applications should be submitted till 24th June 2013.

Study Subject(s): This fellowship is offered for a project entitled “Synchronization of Mechanical Systems Coupled through Elastic Structure”.
Course Level: This fellowship is available for pursuing PhD programme at Division of Dynamics, Lodz University of Technology, Poland.
Scholarship Provider: Lodz University of Technology,  Poland.
Scholarship can be taken at: Poland

1. MSc in Mechanics / Mechanical Engineering / Physics / Mathematics / Electronics

2. Fluent in English

3. Knowledge of one programming language: C/C++/Turbo Pascal/Delphi

Scholarship Open for International Students: Students of Poland can apply for this fellowship.

Scholarship Description: The project is focused on the following issues:

- Identification of possible synchronous responses of coupled oscillators, and existence of synchronous clusters as well

- Dynamical analysis of identical coupled systems suspended on elastic structure in context of the energy transfer between systems

- Investigation of phase or frequency synchronization effects in groups of coupled non-identical systems

- Developing methods of motion stability control of considered systems

- Investigation of time delay effects in analyzed systems.

- Developing the idea of energy extraction from ocean waves using a series of rotating pendulums.

Number of award(s): One fellowship is available.

Key responsibilities include: Uncertainties in coupled multistable systems.

Duration of award(s): Maximum period of stipend agreement is 10 months.

What does it cover? Stipend amount is 3000 PLN. additionally 500 PLN for covering the pension insurance (in case when candidate is unemployed)

How to Apply:  The following the documents should be submitted:


-Cover letter

Averaged mark of Master study and mark from Master thesis defense

-List of publication and / or conference communications

-MSc diploma

-Reference letters

-Abstract of MSc Thesis

These documents should be emailed to

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is 24th June 2013.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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