Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowships for US Citizens in Israel

USIEFThe United States-Israel Educational Foundation (USIEF) is offering 8 grants to American postdoctoral scholars who are about to begin a program of research at Israeli institutions of higher education. Applicants should commence during the 2014/2015 academic year.  The total length of the proposed program of work in Israel must be at least two academic years (20 months net in Israel).The Fulbright award totals $40,000, $20,000 per academic year. This program is open to post-doctoral researchers in all academic disciplines.

Study Subject(s): This program is open to post-doctoral researchers in all academic disciplines.
Course Level: This is a post-doctoral fellowship for research at Israeli institutions of higher education.
Scholarship Provider: The United States-Israel Educational Foundation (USIEF). The Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program is administered for the Department of State by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES).
Scholarship can be taken at: Israel

Eligibility: -Applicants must be U.S. citizens; permanent resident status is not sufficient.

-Candidates must be planning to begin a period of post-doctoral research at an accredited institution of higher education in Israel during the course of the 2014/2015 academic year.  Individuals who have already begun research activities in Israel prior to the application date are not eligible.

-Candidates must be planning to conduct post-doctoral research in Israel for a period of at least two academic years (20 months net).

-Holders of a tenure-track position are ineligible.

-Candidates must be in good health. All applicants selected for a Fulbright grant are required to submit a Medical History and Examination Report before their grants can be activated.

-A formal hosting commitment, including a commitment to provide financial support, must be received by USIEF from an eligible institution by November 2013 in order for a candidate to be evaluated in the final stage of the grant allocation process.

-Prior to activation of grants awarded, candidates selected must give proof of completion of all requirements for receipt of the doctoral degree.

-Prior conviction or current indictment for a felony may result in disqualification.

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: The students of USA can apply for this fellowship.

Scholarship Description: The United States-Israel Educational Foundation (USIEF) plans to award 8 grants to American post-doctoral scholars who are about to begin a program of research at Israeli institutions of higher education which will commence during the 2014/2015 academic year.  The total length of the proposed program of work in Israel must be at least two academic years (20 months net in Israel).The Fulbright award totals $40,000, $20,000 per academic year.  Fulbright funding supplements basic post-doctoral stipends provided by Israeli host institutions. This program is open to post-doctoral researchers in all academic disciplines. USIEF awards are granted on the basis of academic excellence, the leadership promise of the applicant, and the potential of the proposed visit to both advance knowledge and enhance mutual understanding between the peoples of the U.S. and Israel.The Foundation gives preference to applicants who have not had significant prior professional experience in Israel.Knowledge of Hebrew is helpful but not required, except as necessary for the conduct of proposed research projects.Post-doctoral fellows must be hosted by an accredited Israeli institution of higher education. Each candidate should try to arrange his/her institutional affiliations in Israel independently, including development of the program of work for the proposed visit, through contacts with possible host institutions.  If assistance is required, USIEF will attempt to help candidates to identify suitable host institutions.

Number of award(s): USIEF plans to award 8 grants to American post-doctoral scholars.

Duration of award(s): The fellowship is available for 2 years.

What does it cover? -USIEF stipend of $40,000 ($20,000 per academic year for two years), payable in dollars.  In addition, each grantee will receive from his/her host institution a grant no smaller than its own basic post-doctoral award.

-Limited health insurance for the grantee only

-Orientation meetings in the US (attendance compulsory) and in Israel and other grantee events during the course of the academic year

Selection Criteria: Academic excellence is the primary criterion for the evaluation of candidates.

-Possession of skills required to promote mutual understanding between the United States and Israel is an important evaluation criterion.  Thus, in addition to describing the research planned, a post-doctoral project proposal should also provide a concise description of the broader cultural goals of a post-doctoral experience in Israel: what would the candidate like to learn about Israel; in what activities in addition to research does he/she expect to become involved; how does the candidate expect to share his/her Israeli experiences upon return to the US.

-Leadership qualities are an important evaluation criterion.

-Preference will be given to candidates who have received their doctorates within the three-year period prior to the presentation of their applications.

-Preference will be given to candidates who have not had substantial, recent professional experience in Israel.

-Preference will be given to candidates who have not had previous Fulbright grants.

-Hebrew language proficiency is not an evaluation criterion, unless such proficiency is required in order to carry out the proposed plan of work.

Notification: CIES notifies applicants whether or not their application has been recommended for further consideration in the host country; this notification is emailed. Please let your CIES Program Officer know if your email address changed since you submitted your application. In

December – May Public Affairs Sections of U.S. Embassies (Posts) or binational Fulbright Commissions overseas review recommended applications and nominate candidates for selection. In January – June all recommended candidates are forwarded to the J.W. Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board for approval.CIES notifies applicants whether they have been selected to receive a Fulbright award. This notification is also emailed. Please let your CIES Program Officer know if your email address changed since you submitted your application. In June – Onward grant details are finalized and grants may begin per start dates listed in the Catalog of Awards. For some countries, an orientation may be scheduled for applicants selected for grants.

How to Apply:  Students can apply online. Applicants should follow the application instructions.

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline for 2014/2015-2015/2016 fellowships is August 1, 2013.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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