Thursday, July 11, 2013

Rhodes Scholarship for Indian Students at Oxford University in UK

University of OxfordRhodes Trust is funding scholarship for Indian students at Oxford University in UK. This scholarship is for pursuing MSc, MSt, MLitt, BCL, MPhil, BPhil (Philosophy only), DPhil or for a second undergraduate degree over 2 years at Oxford University in UK. The postgraduate scholarship is awarded for two years which covers university and college fees, living expenses, air travel and economy class to the United Kingdom and of return to India on completion of studies at Oxford. The deadline for applications is 31st July, 2013.

Study Subject(s): A Scholar may apply for any full-time graduate degree offered by the University of Oxford – MSc, MSt, MLitt, BCL, MPhil, BPhil (Philosophy only), DPhil or for a second undergraduate degree over 2 years. The following exceptions apply: a Scholar may only read for the Master’s in Financial Economics (MFE) or for the Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) in the second year of the tenure of the Scholarship. For D.Phil in mathematical, physical and life sciences and in some medical sciences subjects the support will be provided for a maximum of three years.
Course Level: This scholarship is for pursuing MSc, MSt, MLitt, BCL, MPhil, BPhil (Philosophy only), DPhil or for a second undergraduate degree over 2 years at Oxford University in UK.
Scholarship Provider: The Rhodes Trust
Scholarship can be taken at: UK

Eligibility: 1. The Scholarships are open to citizens of India.

2. Candidates must be of such an age that they will have passed their 19th and not have passed their 25th birthday on the 1st October 2014.

3. Candidates must have at least a first class degree in Humanities, Sciences, Law, Engineering, Agriculture or Medicine from an Indian University. Candidates who are in the final year of a degree course and have exceptionally bright academic record may also apply.

4. Candidates for medical studies should consult the Secretary, as well as the Medical School Offices at Oxford, before submitting an application. Particular difficulties may arise for those wishing to do research in clinical departments.

5. Marriage is not a bar to applying for, or holding, a Rhodes scholarship. However, married candidates should bear in mind that the scholarship stipend is sufficient only for one person, and that the Trust takes no financial responsibility for the support of a scholar’s spouse. Moreover, spouses who are not British citizens will find it very difficult to obtain permission to undertake paid work in England.

6. Subject to ratification by the Rhodes Trustees, the Committee of Selection for India is responsible for deciding whether candidates comply with forgoing conditions, and for making the nominations.

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Only students of India can apply for this Rhodes scholarship.

Scholarship Description: A Rhodes Scholarship is tenable at the University of Oxford. Confirmation of the Scholarship at election is however, subject to the Scholar-elect’s acceptance by a college and by the concerned faculty in case of a research degree. The Scholarship is initially for a period of two years but if necessary, can be extended to a third year. The Rhodes Trustees would consider granting a third year only if it is clear that the additional year is eminently in the interest of a scholar’s studies and future career. It is essential to have a satisfactory conduct and general record for this. Two years is the minimum period (and three years the maximum) for which a Rhodes Scholarship can be awarded. A Rhodes Scholarship covers approved university and college fees for which payment is made directly to the Scholar’s college. It also covers living expenses sufficient to enable a Scholar to meet the necessary expenses for term-time and vacations. The Trust will also meet the cost of a Scholar’s air travel, economy class, to the United Kingdom and of return to India on completion of studies at Oxford. Tenure of other awards in conjunction with a Rhodes Scholarship is not permitted without prior consultation with the Secretary to the Trust in Oxford.The Scholarship for which application is to be made in 2013 will be tenable from October 2014.

Number of award(s): Not Known

Duration of award(s): The Scholarship is initially for a period of two years but if necessary, can be extended to a third year.

What does it cover? A Rhodes scholarship covers approved university and college fees for which payment is made directly to the Scholar’s college. It also covers living expenses sufficient to enable a Scholar to meet the necessary expenses for term-time and vacations. The Trust will also meet the cost of a Scholar’s air travel, economy class, to the United Kingdom and of return to India on completion of studies at Oxford.

Selection Criteria: In making nominations, the Selection Committee will have regard to those qualities which Cecil Rhodes listed in that section of his will in which he attempted to define the type of Scholar he was seeking; literary and scholastic attainments; fondness of and success in outdoor sports, qualities of truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship, exhibition of moral force of character and instincts to lead and to take an interest in one’s contemporaries.

Qualities of intellect, character and leadership are what the committee will be looking for in a candidate. A Rhodes Scholar should not be one-sided or selfish. Intellectual ability must be founded upon sound character and integrity of character upon sound intellect. Cecil Rhodes regarded leadership consisting of moral courage and interest in one’s fellow beings, as in the more aggressive qualities. It was his hope that a Rhodes Scholar would come to esteem the performance of public duties as the highest aim. Continuing physical vigor to enable a Scholar to make an effective contribution to society is as important as prowess in a particular sport. Financial need gives no special claim to a Rhodes Scholarship.

The will lays down that no student shall be qualified or disqualified for election to a Scholarship on account of race or religious opinion.

Notification: In the normal course, applicants are short listed for a preliminary, personal interview, held at four regional centers including Mumbai (Pune), Bangalore, Kolkata and Delhi. Candidates selected from these regional interviews are then called for the final interview in December. No candidate can be selected without appearing for the final interview. The granting of an interview is entirely within the discretion of the Selection Committee. Traveling expenses (2nd class return rail fare) of candidates invited for the final interview will be paid by the Rhodes Trust. Candidates for interview must bring with them their original certificates. Candidates who do not receive any communication by December 1, 2013 must assume that their application has been unsuccessful.

How to Apply: The mode of applying by post or online. Immediately after election, a Scholar will be given the necessary information to make an application to the University of Oxford. Those applying for postgraduate courses will need to make application to Oxford in early January (in the case of the 2nd BA, application must reach Oxford at the latest by 2 December 2013).

The Scholar will come into residence at Oxford in October, 2014. Postponement will not be sanctioned save in exceptional circumstances, and with the express permission of the Rhodes Trustees. The first installment of the Scholarship will be paid at the beginning of the Scholar’s first term at Oxford. No request for earlier payment will be considered.

Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is 31st July, 2013.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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