Monday, July 15, 2013

ATLAS-PhD Grant for Member of ATLAS Collaboration in Particle Physics

Fundamental Physics Prize foundationCERN announces 2-3 ATLAS-PhD Grant in Particle Physics in Switzerland and Member State or Non-Member State University and that is member of the CERN ATLAS collaboration. Applicants must be enrolled at PhD program in the universities of member of the ATLAS collaboration. The grant is awarded for duration of three years which cover monthly living allowance. Eligible applicants should apply online before 31 August 2013.

Study Subject(s): This grant is awarded in Particle Physics (incl. Computing for Physics).
Course Level: This grant is for pursuing PhD degree level at Member State or Non-Member State University that is member of the CERN ATLAS collaboration.
Scholarship Provider: Donation from Fabiola Gianotti and Peter Jenni following their award from the Fundamental Physics Prize foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: Switzerland and Member State or Non-Member State University that is member of the CERN ATLAS collaboration.

Eligibility: You are enrolled at a university that is a member of the ATLAS collaboration (see list of universities:

•You have started or are about to start a doctoral programme.

•Your work envisaged at CERN is part of the thesis work required to obtain your PhD. Daily supervision of the student during the period at CERN will be the responsibility of a CERN Member of Personnel. The award of the degree remains the responsibility of the applicant’s university.

•You have a good knowledge of English OR French.

•The Grant will cover 2 years funding of the PhD thesis, specifically one year at CERN (at a rate of CHF 3.679/month) and one year at the home institute at a reduced rate.

Grant is Open for Students of Following Countries: Applicants of Member State or Non-member states (Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, UK and USA) can apply for this PhD grant.

PhD Grant Description: We are excited to announce the creation of a dedicated grant scheme (thanks to a donation from Fabiola Gianotti and Peter Jenni following their award from the Fundamental Physics Prize foundation) to encourage young and high-caliber doctoral students in particle physics research (including computing for physics) and permit them to obtain world class exposure, supervision and training within the ATLAS collaboration. This special PhD Grant is aimed at graduate students preparing a doctoral thesis in particle physics (incl. computing for physics) to spend one year at CERN followed by one year support also at the home Institute. Candidates may already have a thesis subject defined with their home university OR they may be looking for a thesis subject.

Number of award(s): 2-3 PhD grants are available.

Duration of award(s): The duration of PhD grant is 2 years funding of the PhD thesis, specifically one year at CERN.

What does it cover? Funding covers monthly living allowance to cover the expenses of a single person in the Geneva area. The Grant will cover 2 years funding of the PhD thesis, specifically one year at CERN (at a rate of CHF 3.679/month) and one year at the home institute at a reduced rate.

Selection Criteria: Not Known

Notification: Autumn 2013

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online. Applications are considered by a dedicated Selection Committee held at CERN. Results are communicated after the Committee. Eligible candidates should complete the eRT application including:

- A motivation letter

- A statement of research interest

- A CV

- 2 references

- Letter of confirmation from the ATLAS group leader to accept supervision of the thesis work (could be one of the referees)

- Diploma

- Proof of enrollment in a collaborating university.

Grant Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is 31 August 2013.

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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