Saturday, July 13, 2013

Go Red Multicultural Scholarship Fund for Women in USA

American Heart Association

American Heart Association offers sixteen scholarships for women. These scholarships are available for students who are currently enrolled in an accredited college, university, health care institution or program in USA. The students of USA (Hispanic, African-American or other minority origin) can apply for these scholarships. The scholarship aims to help close the gaps in both treatment and access to a more affordable education for women of diverse backgrounds. Applications should be submitted till November 30, 2013.

Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided in the field of healthcare.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for currently enrolled in an accredited college, university, health care institution or program in the USA
Scholarship Provider: Macy’s, national sponsor of Go Red For Women and Go Red For Your Heart.
Scholarship can be taken at: USA

Eligibility: Applicants must:

-Be a female of Hispanic, African-American or other minority origin

-Be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident of the United States

-Be currently enrolled in an accredited college, university, health care institution or program in the U.S.

-Have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.

Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of USA (Hispanic, African-American or other minority origin) can apply for these scholarships.

Scholarship Description: For racially and ethnically diverse women in at-risk communities, the need for passionate, strong voices in healthcare is critical. That’s because Hispanic women are likely to develop heart disease 10 years earlier than non-Hispanics. And African American women have almost twice the risk of stroke than Caucasians. Yet, there’s a shortage of diversity in female nurses and doctors. Go Red For Women is committed to reversing those trends. That’s why we invite women to apply for one of the 16 scholarships of $2,500 that will be awarded through the Go Red™ Multicultural Scholarship Fund. Now in its fourth year in 2013-2014, the scholarship aims to help close the gaps in both treatment and access to a more affordable education for women of diverse backgrounds. We believe the best way to do this is to ensure that all Americans have an opportunity to work with healthcare providers that truly understand the cultural differences and traditions that impact lifestyle and attitudes toward heart health.

Number of award(s): Sixteen scholarships are offered.

Duration of award(s): Not Known

What does it cover? 16 scholarships of $2,500 each will be awarded to qualifying applicants in Fall 2014.

Selection Criteria: A review committee will select finalists based on academic achievement, community involvement, letters of recommendation and their personal essay.

 Notification: Winners will be selected and announced in February 2014. 

How to Apply: The mode of applying is online. Students will be need to provide:

-Community Involvement description


-Two Letters of Recommendation

-Personal Essay

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application deadline is November 30, 2013.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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