Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Impact Awards for Canon Collins Trust Scholars and Alumni in South Africa

The Canon Collins TrustUp to ten Awards for postgraduate students are available by Canon Collins Trust to study postgraduate degree courses in South African universities. To be eligible for this award, students must be past or present recipient of a Canon Collins scholarship and seeking financial support. This award is only available for current CCT Scholars or CCT Alumni not for all students.These awards will be granted for activities that will enable graduates to make an enhanced contribution to their community or country and build upon the skills and knowledge gained during postgraduate study Applications should be submitted electronically.

Study Subject(s): This award does not have any subject restrictions.
Course Level:This award is awarded for pursuing a postgraduate degree at any university in South Africa.
Scholarship Provider: The Canon Collins Trust
Scholarship can be taken at: South Africa

Eligibility:In order to be eligible for these grants you must be:

• A past or present recipient of a Canon Collins scholarship;

• Seeking funding for an eligible activity or project;

• A national of, and resident in, one of the following countries: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Applicants from Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe are eligible for this scholarship if  they are past or present recipient of a Canon Collins scholarship

Scholarship Description: The Canon Collins Trust is now in its 32nd year of supporting scholars like you to pursue their studies at postgraduate level. We recognize that the award of a scholarship is only the beginning of our relationship with our alumni. In 2013 we are pioneering a new funding initiative intended to help our alumni to maximize the impact of their degrees. The theme of these awards is ‘Scholarship in Action’. These awards will be granted for activities that will enable graduates to make an enhanced contribution to their community or country, and build upon the skills and knowledge gained during postgraduate study. Grants will be awarded for clearly defined opportunities that align to the applicant’s academic history, employment and future professional development goals. We will favor applications where the award will enable the alumnus to have a tangible positive impact upon their wider community.

Number of award(s): Up to 10 awards will be made in 2013.

Duration of award(s): Not Known

What does it cover? Most awards will be for between R6000 and R20,000. In exceptional cases awards of up to a maximum of R50,000 may be granted.

Selection Criteria: All submissions will be reviewed with the following criteria in mind. You may wish to address these questions in your covering letter:

• Will the proposed activities significantly increase your ability to contribute to your community?

• Does the proposed activity have the support of others, evidenced either through their participation or their financial contribution?

• Is there a clear timeline and can the activity be completed within 12 months of the award being made?

• Are the costs commensurate with the proposed activity?

• Does the activity draw upon the skills gained while you were a Canon Collins scholar?

• Is there continuity between your academic study, work history and the proposed activity?

Notification: Trust will acknowledge receipt of your application and will let you know the outcome of your application by email, within one month.

How to Apply: To apply for this award, please fill in the application form and return it with a covering email. Please ensure you answer all the questions and that you stick to the word limits. Please do not send supporting documentation with your form. If trust needs further information, trustee will ask. Trust may ask, for example, for detailed project proposals, or proof of registration for a conference or international event you wish to attend. Funding is conditional upon receipt of proof of the opportunity or activity for which you are seeking funding. Please note: Trust will only consider one application per scholar per year and if you are successful you will not be able to apply for a grant for a further two years. The application should be sent to:

Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for 2013 applications is Friday 12th April, Friday 5th July , Friday 25th October.

Note : Applicant should be a past or present recipient of a Canon Collins scholarship. This award is only available for current CCT Scholars or CCT Alumni.

Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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