Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Merit Scholarships for Master’s Students at Robert Gordon University in UK

Robert Gordon UniversityAberdeen Business School of  Robert Gordon University offers merit scholarships in the field of Information, Communication and Media which start from September 2013 or January 2014. UK/EU and International students can apply for these scholarships. 150 scholarships are available. Total offer is of £2000, £1500, or £1000 per award. The application deadline is 26th July 2013 for September 2013 intake and 6th December 2013 for January 2014 intake.

Study Subject(s): This scholarship is applicable to all MSc courses in this area of Information, Communication and Media.
Course Level: This scholarship is available for pursuing master’s degree level at Robert Gordon University in UK.
Scholarship Provider: Robert Gordon University in UK.
Scholarship can be taken at: UK

Eligibility:  -An International student paying fees at the overseas rate or

-A UK/EU student on a full cost course for which the course fee has been set in excess of 6,000 GBP and

-Students hold the offer of a place on one of our courses

Scholarship Open for International Students: UK/EU and International students can apply for these scholarships.

Scholarship Description: Aberdeen Business School is pleased to offer a number of merit scholarships to outstanding students who wish to study at the School from September 2013 or January 2014. All decisions on scholarship applications will be made by the School’s Scholarship Awards Panel. All decisions are final and we cannot enter into correspondence with unsuccessful applicants. There are no grounds for appeal against an unsuccessful application with the following exception:Where there is evidence of alleged improper conduct or irregular procedure during the scholarship awards process. Any student, who wishes to appeal on the above ground, should write in the first instance to the Director of Marketing Communications and Student Recruitment, outlining your evidence of alleged improper conduct or irregular procedure during the awards process, and the Director will respond within 20 working days.

Number of award(s): 150 scholarships are offered.

Duration of award(s): Not Known

What does it cover? Total offer is of £2000, £1500, or £1000 per award.

 Selection Criteria: All applications will be assessed against the following criteria:

-Previous academic record and your suitability for postgraduate study in School, ie:

-Class of degree / CGPA / final score of first degree

-Relevance of your first degree to the course you are applying for

-The standing of the previous academic institution attended

-Any prizes or awards given to you in your first degree

-Relevant industrial or professional experience giving evidence of workplace experience that is relevant to the course you are applying for;

-Personal achievements: evidence of personal achievements to date which indicate your ability to contribute to the wider life of the University community during your studies and the professional community that you will be joining on graduation;

-Evidence from the Personal Statement provided that you are deserving of financial support on the grounds, for example, of personal academic achievement in the face of adversity.

 Notification: Applicants will be informed of the Panel’s decision by email and will have 7 days from receipt in which to accept any offer;

-Failure to respond within the 7 day period will automatically result in the offer being withdrawn.

 How to Apply: The mode of applying is by email or post. Students must include with your scholarship application the following documents:

-A scanned copy of your final transcript detailing your degree classification and/or CGPA;

-A scanned copy of your IELTS/TOEFL certificate or other English language qualification;

-A scanned copy of your University offer letter (or email if you have not received your letter).

Scholarship Application Deadline:  The application deadline is 26th July 2013 for September 2013 intake and 6th December 2013 for January 2014 intake

 Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

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